Digital resources on philology and textual criticism
By Cinzia Pusceddu
The Web version was created by Barbara Lotti and updated by Matteo Ceriola.
Last revisions and updating by Benedetta Brasile, April 2010
"E-philology" is an annotated list of more than 100 resources (web sites, software, CD-ROMs, etc.) on digital philology, scholarly digital editions, and textual criticism. Originally, this section was linked to the the volume "Scrittura e filologia nell'era digitale", but rapidly grew independent. The resource, written in Italian, is organized in two main sections (see menu on right side): "Strumenti" (Tools), and "Prodotti" (Products). The first section is divided in tools for scholarly textual editing and criticism ("Per la critica"), and tools for analysis ("Per l'analisi"). The second section has four categories:
- Publications ("Pubblicazioni"), where you can find mainly HTML textual resources of various provenance;
- Scholarly editions ("Edizioni scientifiche") contains projects and resources produced by research centers and institutions mostly for academic purposes;
- Multimedia editions ("Edizioni multimediali") lists all those projects that, regardless of their production environment, go beyond the textual or documental boundaries;
- finally, Collaborative editions ("Edizioni collaborative") includes all those projects that offer tools for enhancing collaboration between users and editors, and in same (or both) cases provide useful teaching environments.