From this author DV received a series of stories in various stages of writing. The final versions of the texts were published in the collection La gente (Turin: Einaudi, 1993). The archive holds these final versions, the first versions published in "Il Messaggero" (Roman local newspaper) in the summer of 1991, two intermediate versions, and the Einaudi drafts sent by the publisher to Cerami for final revision. An original interview with the author about the influences of the computer on his writing style is also available on this site.
From Angel García Galiano, professor of Spanish Literature at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, essayst and novelist, we have three versions of the novel El mapa de las aguas, Barcelona: Mondadori, 1998. Three versions of the chapter entitled "666" are now available on DV. This text was written between 1993 and 1995 as an independent story, and only later became part of the novel. The different passages allow us to analyse the process of writing and the evolution of the author's style through time.
Valerio Magrelli (Rome, 1957) is author of several poetry collections, for which he has won the Mondello Prize, the Viareggio Prize for poetry, and the Montale Prize. In November 2003 the Accademia dei Lincei awarded him the Premio Antonio Feltrinelli. A professor of French literature at the University of Cassino, he is also a frequent contributor to the cultural pages of several Italian dailies. His poems have been translated into English, French, Spanish, German and a number of other languages. The DV section dedicated to this author presents a number of resources and tools: a) the entire collection of poems Ora serrata retinae (Milan, Feltrinelli, 1981), including previous versions of poems originally published in journals or collective anthologies; b) an original critical essay on Ora serrata retinae by Tommaso Lisa; c) the "Genetic Machine", an experiment of dynamic display of the textual variation of selected Magrelli's poems. This tool, realized in Flash, allows the reader to explore and compare all the writing stages made available by the author, from the first draft (generally a manuscript) up to the published and definitive version.
José Antonio Millán
José Antonio Millán is a writer and blogger who gave us three versions of a story: the first version (unpublished) written between 1979 and 1980; the second written in 1989 and the third in 1991. All versions, as for Francesca Sanvitale, will be used for a Second Language Acquisition experiment.
Francesca Sanvitale
Thanks to the generosity of this author DV has made available eight passages of the story "Orient Express", originally published in the literary magazine "Tuttestorie", 3-4, pp.62-67, 1991. In 1997 the text was included in the volume Separazioni (Turin: Einaudi, 1997). We are preparing an SGML edition of these eight stages of writing, while online is already possible to study one of Sanvitale's manuscript (A.1) hyperlinked to a diplomatic transcription of the following passage (B). DV holds also electronic copies of two drafts of the novel Il figlio dell'impero (Turin:Einaudi, 1993); the oldest drafts of this book contain bibliographical footnotes not included in the Einaudi edition. Finally, as for Cerami, we have a large series of passages (20 - 30 pages each) taken from the following works:
1) "Scrivendo di bambole, di cerbiatte e di Villa Borghese", in E. Siciliano, (ed.) Racconti italiani del Novecento, Milan: Mondadori, 1979-1990, pp. 1315-1338.
2) Madre e figlia, Milan: Mondadori, 1980.
3) La realtà è un dono, Milan: Mondadori, 1987.
4) Verso Paola, Turin: Einaudi, 1991.
Fernando Savater is probably the most popular living Spanish philosopher and essayist. In this section, realized thanks to the support of Prof. Xavier Renedo (University of Girona, Spain), who provided the texts, we present two versions of a piece originally written for a conference (1993), and then revised for publication in his Diccionario Filosófico (1995).
This Spanish novelist and poet, author of La noche mineral (Madrid: Debate, 1995), while writing his second novel (Una cabeza de rape, Madrid: Debate, 1997) saved for us five stages of writing of a selected chapter. The five passages, as for Sanvitale, Millán and García Galiano, will be analysed and used for an experimental course on the writing process.
The corpus of Roberto Vacca is the most rich and complex. First of all, the author will allow us to make available all the works of which he owns copyrights. These include the novel Questo barbaro dominio (Milan: Interno Giallo, 1991) and the Sci-Fi collection Carezzate con terrore la testa dei vostri figli (Milan: Interno Giallo, 1992). But Vacca has also donated to the archive the autograph copy of the former edition of this book published originally in 1965 (Esempi di avvenire, Milan: Rizzoli). After almost 30 years the author revised and changed, often radically, most of these texts. The stories were re-written with a computer: once again this allowed us to compare the two versions and analyse how the computer influenced the author's writing style (see I Tartari prima e dopo il computer).
Finally, DV holds electronic copies of the following works:
- 1) Un sorta di traditori, Milan: Bompiani, 1997 (Two intermediate versions, one with hand- written corrections and comments by the author. Online you can find a chapter which was not included by Vacca in the final version of the novel).
2) Tecniche modeste per un mondo complicato, Milan: Rizzoli, 1978.
3) Comunicare come. Come trasmettere le proprie idee. Come orientarsi nel mondo dell'informazione, Milan: Garzanti, 1990.
4) Consigli a un giovane manager, Turin: Einaudi, 1999.